A Video Editor is tasked with taking the raw footage shot by a film crew and director and turning it into the final product. This means following an outline, script or shot list and assembling the footage into one cohesive video or film. Often in video and film work, there are many camera angles and takes recorded.

A video editing is based on  digital software to organize video and sound files into a final product. A video editing requires to possess both technical and creative abilities to be able to effectively create the vision clients have in mind. Individuals in this position usually have experience working with creative software and have a keen eye for creative digital design.

In a film/video editing, you’ll manage material such as camera footage, dialogue, sound effects, graphics and special effects to produce a final film or video product. This is a key role in the post-production process and your skills can determine the quality and delivery of the finished result. You’ll usually work closely with the director to achieve the desired end result.


Digital technology, specialist computer software and high-quality digitisation of sound and pictures have effectively replaced the traditional manual method of cutting film



Release Date

Nov 2022


Video Editing